Check that the extraction is complete. INAZUMA ELEVEN GO STRIKERS 2013 TRAINER DOLPHIN 5.0 ARCHIVE
It's worth quickly noting that Kuriimu will skip extracting some Sub BLN files that do not contain any archive data, so there will be gaps, which is expected behaviour. You will know when it's done because the "Execute" button will no longer be grayed out.
Click Execute and Kuriimu will work its magic again to extract the raw binary data files. For the "Select Output", create another subfolder in your working directory, maybe bln-sub-extract. bin BLN Subs you just extracted ( bln-extract). For the "Select Input", select the folder containing the two hundred and ninety-nine. This time, select BLN SUB from the plugin dropdown. Back on Kuriimu2, open up the Batch Extractor again. Now we need to extract these into Sub BLN files. Kuriimu will now dump the game's archived file contents for you into two hundred and ninety-nine. Create and select another new subdirectory within the one you previously made ( mcb1), maybe call it bln-extract. Click "Select Input" and select the mcb1.bln file you just pasted into your new subdirectory. Click the dropdown under plugins and scroll through them until you find BLN. A prompt will be brought up asking you to select a few options. Open Kuriimu2 (it takes awhile to open), then click Tools > Batch Extractor. INAZUMA ELEVEN GO STRIKERS 2013 TRAINER DOLPHIN 5.0 ISO
Copy mcb1.bln to a new subfolder in your working directory (not inside the extracted iso directory).
In your extracted disk image folder, navigate to ~/DATA/files/. Kuriimu has support for extracting and injecting this file format. Haruhi Heiretsu makes use of a file format known as BLN or "Shade", used in some other Wii games such as Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013. Wait for wit to extract your disk image to the ~/output/ directory. With wit installed and having restarted your system to ensure the system variables have been set, open command prompt and navigate (using cd C:/foo/) to your working directory. Create a working directory and put your disk image file within it. Older versions of Dolphin will have issues rendering text correctly. Dolphin emulator (5.0-15445+), or a hacked Wii (to play the game). Suzumiya Haruhi no Heiretsu Translator ( Download). The game is still readily available on .jp See other tutorials for dumping Wii games to an ISO from disk. An ISO disk image file of Suzumiya Haruhi no Heiretsu. This tool allows for the editing and translating of Suzumiya Haruhi no Heiretsu ( Wii, 2009 EN: The Parallel of Haruhi Suzumiya) binary files that contain Japanese script data, to facilitate the production of an English patch. Update: This project is now making use of this tool instead.